.....you spend your birthday for the most part at work, worrying about eldest son home with tonsillitis (home diagnosis), then pick up little hot and bothered people from childcare provider, decide to take son number one to the doctors (bearing in mind extremes of heat) have to wait an hour in a hot stuffy room with about 30 other sick people one screaming toddler (mine) one fidgety bored and hot five year old (also mine) one slightly preteen ten year old (yep allll mine) and then into the doctors who asks what's wrong. I fixed him with a piercing glare as last time he misdiagnosed said eldest boy, and said "I think he's got tonsillitis" doctor duly checks and says "what a clever mummy" and we get prescription for antibiotics. Phew, then we go to the chemist to get the meddy, then we go to the Co-op to get ice-cream. Little Miss M was fairly beside herself by this time and I was considering infanticide as a viable option for peace and quiet (it was VERY hot!!!! Forgive me). I then came home to cook tea an hour later than I would have liked, Other Half was home, but of course all children still had to direct queries, requests and general crying in my direction.......I was seen stomping about muttering "Happy Birthday to Me" quite a lot that evening.
But today I have a day off and I am going to the shops, in order to search out concert going clothing . Of course it would help if I knew what the weather was going to be doing, I am just praying it won't be as hot as the last few days, I don't want to collapse in a heap at this concert.
First I shall rush about a bit and get some washing and dishwashing done, in preparation for the weekend (mustn't leave Other Half with four kids and the washing) then I shall await the arrival of my pal, poor thing drove all the way from scotland yesterday, I suspect she'll be a bit tired.
Maybe time for a cuppa, got to get my priorities right .
Sunday Smiles - Thai Sunset (Koh Samui)
17 hours ago
Ooh Happy Birthday lovey - hope you have fantastic celebrations at the concert - shame littlies are sick...but I think it may have cooled down a bit for you. Phew....Big kisses from accross the blogosphere xx
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday for yesterday, hope you enjoy your 'me time' there's nothing like shopping to raise the spirit. Looking forward to hearing about the concert. Is it the Take That one? xxxx
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday late, and sympathies for the trial by fire of your patience.
ReplyDeleteOh...A Mommy's work is really never done! Belated Happy Birthday to you!
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday!!! And have a great time at the concert. I guess it's good that you relieved hubby of the washing so he could watch the kids better!
ReplyDeleteYou deserve a chaos free concert (smile). Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteA womans work is never done! But Happy Birthday to you!! Much Love RMxx
ReplyDeleteMany happy returns! Birthdays are never the same once you're a mum. Enjoy the concert x
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! My birthday was the other week and I too didn't get a break! Tonsillitis is terrible, my hubby gets it a lot, hope he's better soon xx