My silver lining to my boy being home sick is that I can finally catch up on a few blog things, well one anyway. I was thrown out a challenge by clareybabbling regarding recycling. This is from the The Rubbish Diet's recycling pledge and the rules are
1. Visit and sign up to one of the pledges to waste less.
2. Share details of your pledge on your own blog.
3. Chose five other bloggers, who will also be up for a bit of recycling fun.
4. Come back to this post at The Rubbish Diet and share your pledge with others, by placing a link to your pledge in the comments field.
5. Optional - as a thank you to all involved The Rubbish Diet will be publishing a British Mummy Bloggers' Recycle Week carnival on Monday 29th June. To be included, simply submit your favourite post revealing the progress of your pledge by Saturday 27th June - email to karen[at]therubbishdiet[dot]co[dot]uk.
so here it goes I am going to recycle my textiles, I felt a little smug as I scrolled through the list on and thought to myself "yep we do that, and that, yep that one too.." so I picked this as we don't recycle textiles and I know there is a clothes bank just up the road! My forfeit if I don't do the deed is to abstain from tea drinking for a day (yes that is very very bad)
I suspect you've all been tagged from my quick scan of the blogosphere so I issue this challenge to anyone who wants to join in, no it's not laziness I really think you've all been challenged already...
Now if I can't get up the end of the road with a bag of old clothes by the end of the week there really is something up with me, I will be truthful and let you know and I am sure I will not be missing my tea fix at any point soon.
Best get on and attend to little Miss as she has declared she's in need of a nappy change, yay.
The baby safety class
21 hours ago
Yay, thank you so much for joining in. That's fantastic news. Recycling Textiles is such a good one to follow up too (well aren't they all), especially as even textiles that are end of life can be used to rags to stuff furniture. For Recycle Week our school has organised a clothing collection which will raise money for our school funds. I hope to blog about that very soon. Good luck with your challenge and huge thanks to you and to everyone else who joins in and I really hope your little one is better very soon :-D
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your pledge! x